
the worst part is that it's catchy and i'll want to sing "sho is good" all day

a message from nick cannon, nas and affion.

to be honest i'm just genuinely interested to know what everyone's take on the "psa" is. i'm confused and intrigued by it. i definitely think MAINSTREAM hip hop has gone downhill since late 90's style but you can still find some great shit if you look. i got promo discs from a rapper in colorado nammed extra kool - and he had potential and didn't follow the same cheesy lyric/hook flow most people are doing these days. maybe some of the genrea veterans can get their own labels together and sign new artists?

then again i'm not a huge hip hop fan, i just like and respect some damn good artists in my opinion. and i also like to have hope for the entire music industry. i love it all too much to let it flounder and fight.


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